Powering BUSINESSES to Thrive

Our mission is simple yet powerful: to empower businesses to thrive, in a world that doesn’t stand still. Through a diverse range of innovative solutions and expert guidance, we support organizations with what they need to navigate obstacles, embrace change, and seize opportunities. From strategic planning to practical implementation, we stand alongside our partners every step of the way.


Effective communication, continuous feedback loops, collaborative teamwork, and a strong customer focus are the cornerstones of our approach, ensuring transparency, adaptability, and alignment with customer needs in all aspects of our agile strategy.

  • It is vital for directing all organizational efforts towards what is most valued, a key aspect in an agile business environment. This focus is dedicated to understanding and maximizing the value delivered to beneficiaries, such as customers, stakeholders, distributors, suppliers, vendors, consumers, users, and more. It ensures that products and services are continually aligned with the beneficiary’s evolving expectations and needs, enhancing satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Maintaining a stream of innovative solutions is essential for competitiveness and relevance in a fast-paced market. This focus is on the continuous development of creative and practical solutions that address changing market and customer needs, involving cycles of ideation, prototyping, testing, and refinement.

  • The ability to quickly and efficiently respond to change is a crucial competitive advantage in today's dynamic business environment. This focus emphasizes effectively adapting to and managing change, encompassing strategies to navigate transitions smoothly and leveraging change as an opportunity for growth.

  • It's vital for protecting the organization against unforeseen challenges and maintaining consistent service delivery. This focus aims to build organizational resilience and ensure business continuity through various challenges, including preparing for and responding to potential disruptions.



Agile Change Management: A NEW PARADIGM FOR LEADERS

Experience the masterclass on Agile Change Management with a recorded webinar presented by ScrumCraft and the Agility@Scale Community, hosted by Jason Cameron, and featuring our very own Avi Schneier, a contributing editor to the Scrum@Scale™ Guide. This session provided a fresh perspective on traditional paradigms, all through the lens of today’s fast-evolving business landscape.

The Agility@Scale Community and participants had the opportunity to delve into cutting-edge strategies to enhance an organization’s agility and debunk common leadership fallacies that stifle innovation and growth. For those who missed the live event or wish to revisit the invaluable insights shared, the webinar video is now posted.

Leadership and Innovation: The Wargaming Initiative

Discover the innovative "Corporals of Culebra" initiative led by the Marines of Landing Support Company and Agileon, held in Puerto Rico, March 2024. This groundbreaking initiative, featuring Agileon Co-Founders, Roy Nanku and Avi Schneier, showcased tactical wargaming expertise and strategic warfighting simulations. Designed to elevate leadership and foster creativity across every organizational level, the initiative also spotlighted Puerto Rican reserve troops' capabilities in a demanding four-day exercise involving humanitarian crisis simulations.

Learn more how this initiative is shaping future leadership within the reserve component and fostering greater strategic readiness across the Department of Defense, in civilian professions, and beyond.

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Our expertise in value management, change management, risk management, and knowledge management is not just about offering services – it's about building relationships and providing dynamic, holistic solutions that drive real results. Let's embark on this journey together, unlocking your organization's true potential and competitive edge.

Unlocking A Competitive Advantage Through Relationship